Welcome to Cadence Church

We’re passionate about building a church that makes sense out of life and faith, develops the next generation, strengthens families and serves men and women of all ages and backgrounds.


Cadence Church

Cadence Church is a Jesus-centered, Bible-based, evangelistic, Spirit-led church in the north Frisco area.

Cadence is a place that makes faith practical and enjoyable. We understand life is complicated and we know you want to get it right. Join us Sunday to discover how you can grow in your faith and find a group of people to do life with.



It takes a team! Cadence has a team of leaders, both on stage and behind the scenes, who are passionate about serving the people of Cadence, and the communities of Collin County and the surrounding areas. This dynamic team, led by Lead Pastor Paul Morrison, is made up of our Board of Elders and Stewardship Team that oversees the finances and stewardship of the church, Servant Leaders as well as an incredible team who are devoted to sharing the Gospel with the next generation.


Why we exist

Our vision is simple:
Help people find life in Christ one step at a time.

This is what discipleship is, it’s not knowing more, but knowing Someone, it’s not doing something, it’s doing something eternal. God has always wanted four things for you — see how we’ve structure ourselves to help you experience them.


Know God

Our weekend service are for people at all stages in their spiritual journey, but they are primarily designed for people who do not yet have a relationship with God to experience Him in a life-changing and authentic way. Plan your visit today.


Find freedom

We believe life change happens in the context of relationships and that God created us for community. Small Groups exist for the important purpose of bringing people together so that they can develop their faith and find freedom. Find a group today.


Discover purpose

Through a simple one hour orientation class, 101 takes people through a series of teaching designed to connect you to the church and ultimately discover their God-given gifts and how you can use your purpose to make a difference. Attend the next class.


Make a difference

We believe people’s lives will never make sense until they find, develop, and fulfill their purpose, and that’s why we have the Cadence Serve Team. Every member is invited to make a difference through serving on the team of their choice based on their specific gifts and abilities. Attend 101 to join a team.



Abigail Brooks
Host Teams and Admin

Jordan Stratton
Worship and Production

Sam Campos
Stewardship Team

Kavon Frazier
Stewardship Team

Cody Fisher
Stewardship Team


What we believe

These principles guide our worship, fellowship, and service to the community and serve as the foundation of our faith. As a church, we stand firm in the belief that the words written below accurately reflect our values and teachings. Read our full statement of faith here.

We believe during His First Advent, our Lord Jesus Christ voluntarily left the glories of Heaven, taking upon Himself full and perfect humanity in His incarnation.

We believe salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ is a redemptive process wholly of God, in which believers participate solely on the basis of His grace through their faith in Jesus.

We believe God created humans, both male and female, in His perfect image.

We believe the Holy Spirit permanently indwells all believers, fulfilling His regenerating work of the new birth unto eternal life.

We believe the 66 books, which compose the canon of Holy Scripture, to be the sole authority of our faith and practice.

We believe baptism is a public proclamation of faith and new life in Jesus Christ. It is an outward public testimony of an inward invisible transformation.

Learn more about Cadence

We recently celebrated our two year anniversary as a church. Watch this video to meet some of the people of Cadence and to hear the impact church has made on their lives.

What to expect on a sunday


We know visiting a new church can be overwhelming. Our team is trained to make you feel welcomed while giving you your space.